Ag Fire Sprinkler Brand

Technological innovation and quality
AG Fire Sprinkler invests in the most sophisticated production systems in order to maintain customer satisfaction, our quality processes and internal approvals ensure the repetitiveness of our processes and more importantly, that our products are worthy of trust.

Experience and Professionalism:
The experience acquired through four decades in different markets of the 5 continents, makes Ag Fire Sprinkler a solvent company, characterized by always going one step ahead. With effort and professionalism, we have gained the confidence of the market. Leading companies rely on the Ag Fire Sprinkler brand and demand it in their fire safety. One of our main pillars is our human team composed of more than 80 people with a passion for fire protection. Continuous training makes us dynamic professionals, aware of the needs of the market, at the service of the client. Our specialization differentiates us. We have a technical department trained to collaborate with our clients. We provide solutions and improvements based on knowledge of applicable regulations, a wide range of products and extensive experience. We have a post-sale service trained to clarify doubts and solve incidents, both in the start-up and in the maintenance of our equipment.

In Ag Fire Sprinkler we have developed Globe CPI win, an approved and complete program for the design and calculation of sprinkler, hydrant and BIES installations based on current regulations. One more tool for our customers. We are a factory, a logistics center for Europe and a point of sale in Spain. This gives us maximum flexibility and competitiveness.